Starbucks® Milano Sole

750 Baht

Starbucks® Milano Sole is an homage to the vibrant Milanese coffee culture. For us, coffee has always been a lens through which we see the world—a world rich in diversity, tradion and innovation. Our passion is fueled by the belief that coffee and culture are inseparably intertwined. A duetto. Try Starbucks® Milano Luna for a new perspective on this blend with a darker roast.

Coffee Profile

Acidity :


Body :


Processing Method : Washed (Wet), Semi-washed

Tasting Notes : Pomeganate, Vanilla custard

Complementary flavors : Citrus, Caramel, Cinnamon

Region : Asia-Pacific, Latin America

Tea Profile

Caffeine Level :

Caffeine Level

Tasting Notes :